Mind-Body Work


Sheryl Fatse

Contact Sheryl for more information and to make an appointment: sfatse@gmail.com Visit her on the web at sherylfatse.com.

Sheryl Fatse

Somatic Mind-Body Coaching, Yoga Teacher, Reiki Practitioner

Sheryl (she/her) is known for her compassionate healing approaches that revolve around Self-love. Trained as a Multicultural and Diversity Inclusive, Integrative Somatic Parts-Work Coach, she has earned certifications from The Embody Lab, Kripalu, the Trauma Center of Boston, and the IFS Institute. Her deep empathy for others' well-being stems from her personal journey of embracing vulnerability during a prolonged period of chronic pain and surviving trauma related to injury. Sheryl now shares coping strategies and somatic healing techniques for self-discovery and overall well-being with her clients.

Specializing in somatic coaching, trauma-informed somatic parts-work (IFS), mindfulness coaching, trauma yoga, special needs yoga, and integrating animal-assisted therapies, Sheryl is also a Reiki intuitive healing master and a certified therapeutic Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra® meditation guide.

Continuously learning in the field of healing arts, Sheryl draws inspiration from poetry, music, nature, animals, and gardening, all of which play a role in her practice. With over 35 years of experience in the creative arts and mind-body fields, she currently coaches, teaches, hosts circles, and conducts workshops at local wellness and spiritual centers. Additionally, she organizes retreats in Connecticut and Costa Rica. Sheryl offers a range of services including Intuitive Guidance, Somatic (IFS) Parts-Work Therapy, Reiki, Somatic Movement Therapy, Integrative Yoga Nidra Rest Therapy, and Therapeutic Art Integration. She has offices in Sandy Hook and Trumbull, CT, and provides virtual sessions. Read more about Sheryl at her website sherylfatse.com

Somatic (Mind-body) Coaching

Sheryl uses an Internal Family Systems (IFS) or parts-work approach with her clients. IFS is grounded on the idea that our inner world consists of a system made up of various “Parts” (sometimes considered inner children or sub-personalities). In an attempt to protect us from pain, our parts may conflict with each other and act in unhelpful ways learned in the past. Somatic Parts-Work helps us to work with and heal these parts in order to experience greater internal harmony and cohesion.

Reiki Energy Healing

Reiki promotes healing and relaxation in the body through the use of Universal Life Energy (Chi).  Sheryl is a reiki master, attuned to channel this energy and pass it through to you to help the  body to  relax and move energy blocks.   In times of stress or preemptively, Reiki helps to balance the subtle energy fields (chakras) of the body, which supports clients to enjoy  more ease and comfort in their lives.  Sheryl is trained in REIKI energy work, designed by Dr. Usui in the early part of the 20th century,  based on ancient techniques,  effectively used for thousands of years in eastern medicine.

Meditation Instruction and Guidance 

Sheryl is versed  in multiple meditation techniques. These techniques focus on learning to be present,  stilling the mind,  and focusing the energy body to facilitate positive change and healing.  Her teachings include traditional mindfulness practices, Yoga Nidra guided meditation,, and Internal Family Systems (Parts Work) Exploration -  a Study of the Embodied-SELF which expands upon various meditation modalities.

Integrative Rest (yoga nidra) Therapy

Sheryl  uses a variety of techniques from several schools of rest including Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra, and IREST which include guided imagery, and body scanning  — to aid relaxation. Usually practiced reclining comfortably in savasana posture, Yoga Nidra allows time for the client/practitioner to physiologically and psychologically sink into it—at least 20 to 45 minutes.  Most emerge feeling deeply rested and rejuvenated and many times delighted and newly inspired by their inner journey.

Private Trauma Sensitive Yoga for Embodiment

This practice for embodiment is unlike many public yoga classes. It is highly invitational and there are no physical, hands-on adjustments to influence a participant’s physical form. Rather, TCTSY presents opportunities for participants to be in charge of themselves based on a felt sense of their own body. Students connect with the sensations in their bodies, increase feelings of empowerment , rebuild and strengthen relationship to self and others, and remain in the present moment.

Annual Retreats at Camp Washington in Lakeside, CT