Anne Wolf MS, PT
Anne became interested in neurologic physical therapy from the beginning while working with patient’s post stroke at the Rehab Institute of Chicago. From there, she had the opportunity to experience vestibular therapy at NYU Medical Center, which became her passion. As an assistant supervisor, she managed a team, gained knowledge, and became certified as a vestibular specialist.
Once learning that St. Vincent’s Medical Center would give her access to objective testing equipment, she quickly transitioned and focused on offering more extensive evaluations and treatment for her vestibular patient’s. While at St. Vincent’s, she pursued advanced vestibular courses as well as courses in cervicogenic dizziness (dizziness originating from the neck), and soon realized that she had an innate ability to help people with all kinds of dizziness.
Anne continues to work part time at St. Vincent’s Medical center and at Associated Neurologists of Danbury, where she has had the privilege of working alongside other vestibular specialists as well as learning the intricacies of concussion and migraine. With both of these diagnoses, she has seen the incredible beneficial effects of craniosacral therapy, another one of Anne’s passions.
Currently, she holds the only certification in the State of CT for customized Balanced Based Torso-Weighted (BBTW) Vest assessments. This is a weighted vest initially developed for people with Multiple Sclerosis, but now known to help improve all types of neurologic balance impairments. To learn more, go to, the BBTW website, or to her channel 8 news link.
For more than 20 years, Anne has felt great satisfaction in helping people with dizziness, headaches, and balance deficits, especially when they were unable to find relief elsewhere. She looks forward to providing the same quality care in our new holistic environment. As an independent practitioner, she will be able to extend treatment sessions to 60 minutes to allow for a greater therapeutic effect, both physically and mentally. She can’t wait!
Qualifications, Experience, And Affiliations:
Certified Vestibular Therapist (Emory University, APTA)
Certified in Cervicogenic dizziness
Certified in evaluations for the BBTW LSO (weighted balance vest for neurological balance impairments)
Member APTA Neurological section/vestibular special interest group
Owner Balance Dynamics, LLC
Level 2 Craniosacral therapy
Level 1 Healing Touch
Training in McKenzie technique for treatment of the spine
Colgate University, Bacheler of Arts
Simmons College, Master of Science in Physical Therapy
Dizziness/vestibular dysfunction
Neurologic conditions
Neck pain
Back pain
Sacroiliac dysfunction
Orthopedic injuries/post surgical
All claims processed in and out of network. (In network with Blue Cross Blue Shield and Medicare.) Please contact us to discuss fee-for-service options.
To verify your particular plan benefits, please contact us.
Patient Intake
Consent to Care
Testimonials. . .
“I have been seeing Anne Wolf for treatment of dizziness that I have been experiencing for quite some time. I had been to just about every kind of doctor out there, trying to find someone who will help me and also genuinely listen to me. Anne is that miracle I was looking for. Every doctor I saw said that they couldn’t help me. What a relief it was to find Anne through a friend. She asked me questions that none of the doctors had asked me, about my symptoms and also neck pain and past history. Shortly after starting treatment, I began to feel better. She also educated me on ways to reduce stress in my life and showed me proper exercises to prevent symptoms from reoccurring. Anne is a really down to earth and professional person that I enjoy seeing for treatment.”
“I first came to Anne after pulling a muscle in my back. After talking about my back and neck problems, and recurring migraines, we decided it would be a good idea to work on a regular basis. My back recovered quickly, but I knew the holiday season would be a very stressful time and historically littered with migraines. I am now on the other side of the holidays and can happily report that I didn’t have a single migraine. It was just shy of a miracle, as anyone who gets migraines knows just how debilitating they can be. I love that Anne brings an incredible wealth of knowledge to the appointments and is regularly telling me how I can improve myself without using drugs. She has a holistic mindset and a medical background. I love her kind, gentle approach and am continuing to see her monthly for Craniosacral Therapy.”
“My experience with Anne Wolf was exceptional. I have suffered from vertigo since I was young. After a hospital visit and years of doctor appointments, I thought it was something that I would suffer with for the rest of my life. One session with Anne, however, identified the problem and I am now vertigo free.”
“I have been seeing Anne for the past nine months for treatment of headaches and other neurological after effects from a stroke. Using a combination of exercises and craniosacral therapy, Anne has reduced or eliminated most of my symptoms. I continue to see her for maintenance treatments and am highly confident in her skills. Anne’s warm personality and genuine concern for her patient’s make every visit a special experience. I recommend her highly.”
“Anne has been treating my reoccurring low back pain for over 12 years. Her kind gentle demeanor, knowledge, and professionalism is clearly more than other therapists I have had. Most of all, her touch and the pain relief I experience has kept me going back when I need a treatment. After referring her to others and hearing of their results, I know she is the best in the area.”
“I haven’t fallen since I have been wearing my vest. A few people have mentioned that my voice isn’t as shaky with it on and I notice that my body no longer shakes when I am up close talking with someone. I am really seeing the benefits of wearing the vest when I am in physical therapy. Some of the things I can do with it are unbelievable.”
“I feel more stable wearing the vest while doing all of my activities throughout the day. I feel more comfortable standing and walking and noticed that my right hand seems to shake and tremor less. It definitely helps me feel better.”
“I did comment to my wife when I went shopping without the vest, I felt as if I was drunk. When I wear the vest, my movements are much better.”
“I have noticed that when I wear my vest, what I gain stays with me. The big surprise to me is my fine motor and handwriting have improved. At first with the vest only, and now without.”